With over 15 years experience supporting small business computer systems.

Work From home
Set up and support

Working from home
Covid Safe

With no signs of Covid-19 subsiding and the governments back and forth on lockdown measures we understand many businesses are eager for a backup plan for that peace of mind should work from home be forced upon us again. That’s where we can help.

Motech Solutions can set up a fast and secure working environment for your staff from home, with access to server folders and documents, even their own work desktops using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) as if they were sat at the office, only in the safety and security of their own homes.

Not only does working from home help prevent the spread and save lives but studies have also shown workers are far more productive.

Working from home usually leads to fewer interruptions, less office politics, a quieter noise level, and less or more efficient meetings. Add in the lack of a commute, remote workers typically have more time and fewer distractions, which leads to increased productivity—a huge benefit of working from home for both employees and employers alike.

VPN Set up
Your office at home


Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and remote worker solutions form an increasingly important part of IT networks offering more flexible working whilst maintaining security. With low cost and high speed internet connectivity linking remote offices and allowing users to access the business network from home or from their laptops on the road, connectivity is cheaper and easier than ever before.

Until now the VPN has been something of a black art being traditionally complex to set up and manage. For this reason few small to medium sized companies have the skills or resources to take advantage of this technology.

Now, Motech Solutions is able to offer its customers a complete end to end managed solution using state-of-the-art VPN technology.

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